Tag: go

  • Bridging the Gap between Legacy and Modern Systems: The Power of the Adapter Pattern

    Introduction In the ever-evolving world of software, one constant is the need to integrate or work with legacy systems. Often, you’ll come across situations where you need to interact with old codebases, third-party libraries, or systems you cannot modify. This is where design patterns, specifically the Adapter pattern, come to the rescue. The Adapter pattern…

  • Singleton Design Pattern in Go: A Safe Approach to Global Variables

    Introduction In the realm of software design, there is a widely shared belief that global variables can cause numerous issues, often sparking debates (or, depending on whom you ask, impassioned arguments). Over time, I have come to realize that the use of global variables tends to signify poor code quality and overall suboptimal design. They…

  • Understanding the Builder Design Pattern with a Tasty Example

    Introduction In the software design world, the Builder pattern stands out for its unique ability to encapsulate the construction process of complex objects. But, why just read about it when we can delve into it with a delicious analogy? Let’s explore the Builder pattern with an example everyone loves – pizza! The Scenario: Imagine you’re…

  • The Factory Design Pattern in Go: Simplifying Object Creation

    Introduction One of the cornerstone patterns used in object-oriented programming is the Factory Pattern. It’s all about making the object creation process more intuitive and less complex. To illustrate this, let’s examine a provided Go code snippet and break down its essence. The Core Idea In the heart of the Factory Pattern is the creation…

  • Abstract Factory Design Pattern: A Practical Dive with Golang

    Introduction In software engineering, designing with principles such as SOLID is crucial. The SOLID principle emphasizes Interface Segregation, which advocates for using multiple, client-specific interfaces. Building on this idea, the Abstract Factory design pattern becomes relevant as it encapsulates object creation, enabling a system to generate families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes.…